Business Analysis Manager Jennifer Kuncl Announced as a Finalist for D CEO’s 2018 Nonprofit and Corporate Citizenship Awards

D CEO announced the 2018 finalists for the Nonprofit and Corporate Citizenship Awards with Tolleson Wealth Management’s Jennifer Kuncl, as a finalist for the Volunteer of the Year award. The awards are held to honor the professionals and organizations in the nonprofit world that are making a positive impact in the community. In addition to working as a Business Analysis Manager for the firm, Jennifer works as Director of Holy Sews DFW.
Jennifer has volunteered with Holy Sews for more than six years, serving as Director since 2013. Holy Sews helps a need that often goes unnoticed – they produce and gift infant burial clothing for micro-premature babies that are born without a heartbeat. These tiny babies are often unable to fit into normal infant-sized clothing and families are left with no options in the hospital. Holy Sews gifts hand-sewn clothing to the families that are suffering through this devastating time.
“Knowing that in one of their darkest moments, we can provide a small token of love and understanding to these grieving families is why I do this,” said Jennifer. “Instead of nurses or family members frantically searching for anything that will work, they can focus on their family. They get to choose what their baby will wear. It’s about respecting the dignity of that tiny life.”
Tolleson Wealth Management is extremely focused on providing time away from work for employees to volunteer and make a difference in the Dallas-area community. It is encouraged to find something that is important to volunteer with and give back. Tolleson Wealth Management also gifts a grant to the charity of their choice to employees with more than 50 hours of volunteering. The firm is proud to have employees like Jennifer who are making a positive difference in the community.
“Nonprofits play such an important role in our local communities. When you volunteer and give back, you are making an investment in the future of your community. It’s easy and everyone can do it. Our volunteers range in age from 6 to 94. And even though sewing is a big part of what we do – no sewing skills are required and we, like all organizations, can always use more help. The opportunities are there just waiting for people to get involved,” said Jennifer. “I encourage everyone to find a nonprofit whose mission speaks to them and find out how you can help. And then do it. You’ll be glad you did.”
Jennifer will be featured in the August edition of D CEO and the winners will be announced at an awards event on Wednesday, August 1.
Finalists were selected from over 340 nominations by a judging process with the D CEO editorial staff. Jennifer was nominated by her organization, Holy Sews.
To learn more about awards and recognition, please visit here.