Tolleson Employees Participate in 2023 Women Build Dallas

A team of 20 Tolleson employees worked together to build a new home as part of Habitat for Humanity’s 2023 Women Build Dallas program. As a corporate sponsor of the event, the Tolleson team put hammers and tools to work on an impactful build.
Women Build Dallas encourages people to volunteer in their communities with the goal of providing women with financial independence through home ownership. According to Habitat for Humanity, 67% of Dallas Habitat clients are women, 38% are single mothers, and 100% are women of color. So far this year, 1,115 hours have been donated to Women Build Dallas with more than $290k raised. Tolleson is a proud sponsor of this initiative and the team was ready to help build!
Sharing her favorite part of Women Build Dallas, Tolleson Private Bank Senior Vice President and Senior Relationship Manager Jennifer Normile says, “Building alongside the homeowner and seeing my team members challenge themselves by trying things out of their comfort zone was the highlight of the day.”
Opportunities like this help Tolleson employes continue to support a service-centric mission and carry out impact-driven volunteerism.